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Avoid this Mistake with New Years Resolutions

It's the end of the year, you're tying up all the loose ends, planning for your New Years Eve night. When the clock hits midnight, it'll be 2023. A year full of new possibilities, changes and progress, if you take the chances.

Every year, about 50% of Americans make a resolution that has to do with weight loss or health for the new year. Most of us who set a New Year's resolution will find the motivation and determination to hit our goals goes our the window by middle of January.

Call it becoming busy again or realizing your goals weren't realistic, but you are more likely to revert back to your old ways than change things up. But, NWE wants to change that this year for you. In our years of coaching and training, we figured out the biggest mistake you're likely making which will cause you to fall off the wagon before February hits.

The biggest problem? Consistency. We know what we want to achieve, we know what we should be doing, but we tend to bite off more than we can chew and can't keep up with all the goals we set for ourselves week to week.

You may be able to get to the gym every day and meal prep all your meals for 1 week, but all of that needs time and effort. If you're not scheduling it in or learning how to incorporate changes slowly, its going to be tough making the changes long term.

Anyone can do anything for a week, but I want you to start asking yourself, what can I see myself doing forever. What you do to reach your goals will have to be what you do to stay at your goal.

What can you commit to doing 2-3 times a week? Is it packing your lunch? Prepping dinner at home? Going on a walk? Start with 1 thing and do it really well, then think about adding more to your plate.

Consistency in our actions and healthy habits will bring you success, but starting small will help the most in the long term.


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