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Self Care that is Free!

Updated: Oct 14, 2021

When was the last time you did something for yourself?

It's no lie that the "treat yourself" movement is huge right now. I've seen people whip out their  credit cards and spend $500 at target on crap they don't need and yell TREAT YO'SELF!

But, in my opinion, that type of treating yourself, buying more junk you don't need, don't help to bring you piece of mind, solace, or help you relax, doesn't get us anywhere near calm. If anything, it creates more anxiety over how you're going to pay for it.

Treat yourself and self care doesn't have to mean you're throwing your money down the drain on things that don't serve you from feeling and being a better version of yourself.

Self care means to listen to your body. It means caring for yourself, inside and out.

So, when can we practice self care? I would say daily! If you can do something to help you wind down, get back to your purpose, de-stress and find peace, then let's do it daily.

If your schedule is hectic, I get it. Even if you can set aside 15 minutes a week, its better than neglecting yourself.

Here are some ideas! Journaling Reading a book Meditation Take a Nap Take a Bath Workout Go on a Walk Cook your favorite meal Drink a glass of tea Make a special coffee Go to bed early

Really, it can be anything that you love to do!

Self care is SUPER important when you're on a weight loss journey as well.

It's so easy for us to get lost in the pursuit of it all, to get sucked in tracking, over exercising, and have tunnel vision that we forget about what makes us happy and lessens our stress. If our cortisol levels are high, the body does not prioritize weight loss.

Control your stress, practice self care and believe yourself.

You can do it! I am rooting for you!


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