By Erica F. Perusse B.S, MS/DI

The holiday season brings a special joy, characterized by gatherings, celebrations, and a wide array of festive foods that many of us look forward to all year long. However, for individuals managing blood sugar levels, indulging in these holiday meals can sometimes feel daunting and overwhelming. It’s important to remember that you don’t have to miss out on the delicious foods and joyful moments. With careful planning, thoughtful preparation, and conscious food choices, you can savor each bite while prioritizing your health.
In this blog, we will cover several key strategies to help you navigate holiday meals with confidence. By embracing these tips, you can navigate the holiday season joyfully, enjoying festive foods while keeping your blood sugar balanced and feeling your best. Remember, celebrating doesn’t mean sacrificing your health—it’s all about finding the right balance!
Plan Ahead
I am sure you already knew this was coming, but preparation is really key during the holidays. We know all to well that these times can be stressful, and planning can sometimes seem overwhelming. However, if you are attending a potluck or family gathering, consider bringing a dish that accommodates your needs. Whether it's a colorful array of fruit, a tasty platter of roasted vegetables, or a protein-rich main course, having an additional option ensures that you have something delicious to enjoy at the gathering. Taking this initiative can make the experience more enjoyable and less stressful for you. If you need some recipe suggestions, check out the Nourished with Emily Healthy Eating Holiday Strategy E-book for some great dish options!
Make Savvy Choices
When confronted with a variety of endless tempting foods, strive to make smart choices. Focus on PCC (protein, carb, and color) by prioritizing non-starchy vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Aim to fill half your plate with colorful vegetables and fruit, a quarter with lean proteins like turkey, and the remaining quarter with a whole grain, such as a roll. Be cautious with creamy sauces and dressings, as they can add unnecessary sugars.
Control Portion Sizes
During the holiday festivities, it's easy to overindulge. It may start with one simple holiday cookie, and before you know it, you've tried your coworker's favorite family dessert, not to mention the delicious treat you made for the group! To keep your blood sugar stable, practice portion control. Try small servings of carbohydrates, such as stuffing or mashed potatoes, while balancing them with plenty of vegetables and protein. If you're still hungry afterward, feel free to go back for a little more, but pay attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues.
Stay Hydrated
Staying properly hydrated is essential for overall health and well-being! Our bodies can sometimes misinterpret the signals of thirst as feelings of hunger, which may lead us to consume unnecessary calories. To counter this, make it a habit to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Not only does staying hydrated help curb unnecessary cravings, but it also keeps you feeling more energized and focused.
When at a holiday gathering, consider choosing water, unsweetened beverages, or sparkling seltzers instead of sugary drinks. These options can enhance your meal experience without adding extra calories. If you enjoy festive cocktails, remember to incorporate water between drinks. This practice not only helps keep you hydrated but also minimizes the effects of alcohol, allowing you to enjoy your evening responsibly. By prioritizing hydration, you can make healthier choices and feel your best!
Savor Sweets Mindfully
Desserts are the highlight of holiday meals, and it's easy to see why sweet treats are so tempting. While it's true that high sugar content can cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels, you do not need to skip dessert entirely. Instead, savor a small portion of your favorite treat. Coach Emily Gozy makes holiday cookies every year, starting in early November. Throughout the holiday season, the cookie jar is refilled regularly. Knowing that the cookies are available, she doesn't feel the need to eat them all at once. By enjoying your sweet indulgence alongside your meal, you can effectively manage any glucose spikes. Embrace your love for sweets while maintaining a balanced approach. Enjoy and indulge confidently in moderation!
Don't Skip Meals
Skipping meals in anticipation of a holiday feast is a common mistake that can have negative consequences on your health. This practice often leads to overeating and can cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate significantly. To prevent this, it's important to maintain a consistent eating schedule throughout the day, ensuring that you consume balanced meals enriched with essential nutrients.
Make sure to include a source of protein, such as lean meats, legumes, or dairy, alongside high-fiber foods like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, as well as healthy fats from sources like nuts, seeds, or avocados. This balanced approach not only helps maintain stable blood sugar levels but also regulates hunger, reducing the chances of intense cravings. By addressing your nutritional needs before the holiday celebrations, you can fully enjoy the festivities without compromising your well-being. Additionally, if you find yourself eating at a different time than usual, consider having a protein snack on hand. One NWE 1:1 Signature client likes to keep an emergency protein drink available for such occasions.
Get To Moving
Incorporating fun activities into your holiday routine is a wonderful way to boost your health and spread some festive cheer! Whether you gather the family for a leisurely stroll to admire the holiday lights or join friends for a lively group game, staying active can help keep your spirits bright. Movement not only helps regulate blood sugar levels and boosts your mood, but it also revs up your metabolism for enjoying those tasty holiday treats. Just remember—you don’t have to exercise to “burn off” calories! Just keep with your normal routine, or start off small, like taking a walk after your meals to help with blood sugar and digestion. So, let’s make this season joyful and healthy—cheers to a merry and active holiday!
The holidays are a time for joy and celebration, and maintaining your health doesn't mean you have to miss out on the fun. By planning ahead, making informed choices, and staying active, you can enjoy the season while keeping your blood sugar levels balanced. Embrace the festivities and prioritize your wellness so you can fully enjoy this cherished time with family and friends.
If you're ready to take control of your health this holiday season, consider connecting with a registered dietitian from Nourished with Emily. We provide personalized guidance tailored to your needs to help you thrive. Don't miss this month's masterclass in our Nourished Membership, which focuses on mastering your meals for balanced blood sugar. Join us today and start your journey towards a happier, healthier you without restrictions!