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Uncovering the Truth: Is Athletic Greens Really Worth the Hype?

Updated: Mar 20

No longer is the media (or Popeye) pushing whole fruits and vegetables for health, now it's Athletic Greens or Greens Powders. These products are taking social media by storm and we've received MANY questions about whether they are worth it or not. You've probably seen them on TV commercials or even in Podcasts, endorsed by celebrities and athletes alike. Let's start here: What are they? Usually dried and powdered from fruits and vegetables, probiotics and proprietary blends (basically a secret ingredient) are mixed together claiming that they aid in digestion, reduce bloating, help with keeping you fuller for longer, and keep you healthy. Most companies are encouraging you to take these 1-3 times a day to help with getting in all of the nutrients you need. But, we have issues with these powders.

Not only are they super expensive, but they are also an unregulated supplement. Meaning, we don't know what exactly is in these powders and blends and if they actually do what they say they do. From a nutrition standpoint, we don't see the point in powdering all your fruits and vegetables because you will LOSE a lot of the nutrient content and fiber which actually helps with digestion, keeping you fuller for longer and preventing bloating. Many of the claims seem too good to be true, and in this case, it is. You don't need to be taking an over $100 a month supplement to see drastic changes or be healthier, start taking care of you, eating more color, fruits and vegetables, exercises and being more mindful of portion sizes. Not worth the money or the calories in taking them when they aren't scientifically proven to do anything. Eat the whole fruit and vegetable instead.

Nutrient Absorption: While these powders claim to provide a concentrated dose of nutrients, the body may not absorb them as effectively as it would from whole foods. Whole fruits and vegetables contain a variety of phytonutrients and antioxidants that work synergistically to support health, and isolating certain nutrients in powder form may not replicate this effect.

Here are some quick things you need to know:

Quality Control: The lack of regulation in the supplement industry raises concerns about product quality and safety. Without stringent oversight, there is a risk of contamination, inaccurate labeling, and inconsistencies in product potency. Consumers may unknowingly expose themselves to harmful substances or ineffective products.

Potential Side Effects: Some individuals may experience adverse reactions to the ingredients found in these powders, particularly if they have allergies or sensitivities. Additionally, excessive intake of certain nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, can lead to imbalances or toxicity.

Environmental Impact: The production and packaging of these powders contribute to environmental waste and carbon emissions. Choosing whole, locally sourced fruits and vegetables can reduce your ecological footprint and support sustainable agricultural practices.

Long-Term Sustainability: Relying on supplements as a substitute for whole foods may not be a sustainable approach to nutrition. Cultivating healthy eating habits and a diverse diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins is key to long-term health and well-being.

Marketing Tactics: The widespread promotion of these products by celebrities and influencers can create a sense of urgency or FOMO (fear of missing out) among consumers. It's important to critically evaluate marketing claims and consider the evidence supporting product efficacy before making a purchase.

Individualized Needs: Nutritional requirements vary among individuals based on factors such as age, gender, activity level, and health status. Consulting with a registered dietitian or healthcare professional can help tailor dietary recommendations to meet your specific needs and goals.

In conclusion, while Athletic Greens and Greens Powders may appeal to consumers seeking convenience and purported health benefits, their efficacy and value remain questionable. Investing in whole, minimally processed foods and adopting a balanced approach to nutrition is a more sustainable and evidence-based strategy for optimizing health and wellness. Have another product you want our take on? Send us a message and let us know what you want us to review!

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